04/19/2024 South Florida DPC

The meeting covered several key topics related to the Damage Prevention Council of Florida and locators' interactions with contractors. Key points include:

  1. SDM and DP Council Presentation: The meeting began with a presentation on the Damage Prevention Council (DPC) of Florida, including kickoff discussion items. Attendees engaged actively, with contractors noting improvements in communication with locators, especially USIC.

  2. Ticketing and Subcontractor Issues: Concerns were raised about adding subcontractors to tickets, which some contractors, like FGT and TECO PGS, believe creates issues. The consensus leaned towards not allowing subs on tickets to avoid complications.

  3. Design Tickets Misunderstanding: A misunderstanding regarding design tickets led to a discussion clarifying the differences between design and locate tickets. It was noted that not all members are required by law to provide design information, and abuses of design tickets were mentioned.

  4. Locators and Ticket Attachments: There was discussion on the readability of attachments to tickets by locators, with some expressing concerns that attachments often don't match the scope of the ticket, leading to potential legal issues.

  5. National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS): FGT discussed the use of NPMS for design projects, noting its usefulness but also its limitations, such as not showing depth or distribution lines.

  6. Contact Information on Tickets: Suggestions were made to improve communication by allowing additional contact information (email and phone) on tickets. Concerns were raised about blocked caller IDs when locators call field contacts.

  7. Training and System Improvements: The importance of training for both locators and excavators was emphasized, with suggestions for system improvements to better manage ticket information and communication.

  8. Emergency Tickets and Prescheduling: There was confusion over the ability to preschedule emergency tickets, which is technically possible but not recommended.

  9. Funding and Operational Expenses: The meeting ended with a discussion on the funding of the 811 organization, clarifying that there is sufficient funding, divided among utilities, to operate effectively.