
WEBSITE DISCLAIMER: Sunshine 811 provides this web site for informational purposes only. Any other use is strictly prohibited, and Sunshine 811 is not responsible for damages of any kind caused directly or indirectly from the use of this web site or the use of any web site linked to the Sunshine 811 web site. Sunshine 811 has attempted to provide accurate information, including the reproduction of Chapter 556, F. S., but all information is provided without any warranty of any kind as to its accuracy, and the Sunshine 811 web site should not be used as a legal reference. Use of the web site shall be at the users own risk, and such use shall constitute acceptance of these terms.

PRIVATE UTILITY DISCLAIMER: Sunshine 811 is a neutral party that takes information from an excavator and transmits it to a member operator (utility company or facility owner). Sunshine 811 does not own, operate or locate underground utilities. Sunshine 811 does not dispatch locators to locate underground utilities. You may have received an email or phone call from a company offering private utility locating services. In response, we want to clarify a few things. 

1) Sunshine 811 does not sell email addresses. Plus, statute reference 556.105(8)(d) prohibits the use of our information for marketing purposes: "Member operators shall use the information provided to the system by other member operators only for the purposes stated in this chapter and not for sales or marketing purposes;"

2) Sunshine 811 members’ locating and marking practices vary.  Most cities, counties and utility companies do not locate private utilities. These may include water and sewer lines from the meter to the house, and lines such as electric to a shed, irrigation systems, landscape lighting, etc;

3) There has not been a law change requiring you to hire a private locating company, but you are responsible for not damaging those lines when you dig;

4) If you wish to hire a private locating company, there are many throughout the state. We have a Locating category on our Associate Membership page. Sunshine 811 does not endorse any associate members listed on its page;

5) Anyone wishing to have their company listed should complete an Associate Member Application.